Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Winter Time

I am in winter. Actually i am in Iceland where it is cold and wet. Tonight I went out to dinner and put on just about every item of clothing I brought with me. And I should have put on the one thing--a fleece vest--I didn't wear. Fortunately the food was fabulous and worth the walk through the pouring, freezing rain from our hotel.

This morning immediately after we arrived, Jane and I went to the Blue Lagoon spa where we "relaxed" in a flotation tank for an hour, a procedure that is supposed to make up for all the sleep we lost on the flight over from the states. The only thing missing from this experience was nice big spliff to share. After the float, I had a fabulous massage. For this I flew five and a half hours to a rocky island in the North Atlantic where the natives speak a totally incomprehensible language that sounds nothing like any other language I ever heard.

Tomorrow we head out to the country to hike and see incredible natural wonders. I plan on wearing everthing i have in my suitcase including that fleece vest. Wish me luck.

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