Monday, September 26, 2011

L'Shana Tova

I suddenly realized that Rosh Hashonah starts Wednesday evening. I only know this because there are New Year’s greetings in my mailbox. My ignorance of the holiday’s imminent arrival has me thinking: Is it possible to have a spiritual life, Jewish or otherwise, and not believe in God?

I used to say I was agnostic, kind of hedging my bets. But that’s dishonest. I really don’t believe in a divine being of any sort. Or at least such a belief doesn’t factor into my daily life. It certainly hasn’t provided any solace this past year. What has gotten be through?—faith in myself, friends, family, the mere fact that I am alive and still capable of happiness and engagement with the world. Does that qualify as spirituality?

1 comment:

sanaya said...

It sure as hell does!