Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Biddies Do Iceland

Iceland. They should it call it Waterland. I have never been so wet in my life. Everywhere you look there is water: Waterfalls large and small cascading down the mountains, lava fields dotted with geysers sending up plumes of steam and thermal pools filled with bubbling hot water rich in minerals. Jane and I have done it all. We've oohed and aahed at the waterfalls; we've filled our water bottles with "happy water" from a naturally carbonated pool where the water is high in lithium; we've bathed in a thermal pool with supposedly healing powers. And we've done all this and more in monsoon conditions--pouring rain and gale force winds. The only thing we haven't done is seen the northern lights. The skies have been dark and cloudy for our entire visit.

Somehow we have had the best of times, laughing as we walked on the beach in search of seals and the rain turned to sleet and hail pelting us with ice cold water. The seals were smart. They stayed away. A real plus has been the fantastic food we have eaten every night. Who knew that Iceland would turn out to be a foodie paradise especially for two avowed pescatarians. Thanks most of all to Ymir and Heppa, our new best friends in Iceland, for a truly magical experience.

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