Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WTF Obama

I am really unhappy about Afghanistan. Actually, I am really unhappy about Obama's decision to send more troops into Afghanistan. This is my first real quarrel with Obama and I don't feel comfortable about not agreeing with him. Is this the end of our love affair? Will my hero turn out to have feet of clay?

I was in love with Tiger Woods too and I don't even play golf. But how he's proved himself a stupid asshole like every other dumb fuck with a prick instead of a brain. I don't think Obama would ever do that to Michelle. My god, she'd murder him first with those killer arms of hers and Oprah would banish him from her TV show.

But why did he have to decide to continue the war in Afghanistan, to make the war his own. It's not a country and never has been. I'm reading "The Decline and Fall of British Empire" written in this wonderfully plummy style by some incredibly erudite and fluent British professor and it's all been tried before to no avail.

I can't decide what's worse: Does Obama really believe that he will be the one who wins (whatever that means) the war in Afghanistan or is he pursuing this course just for political expediency? (The Republicans can't label me soft on security.)

Wouldn't the bravest thing, the truest thing to do would be to say, "Fuck it! No more Americans are going to die in Afghanistan. We're out of here." I feel like singing that old song from the '60's--All we are saying is give peace a chance.

1 comment:

Toni G said...

Your evaluation was very much my position (and feeling of disappointment) but all that changed when I listened to his words of acceptance. "Moral Imagination" how powerfully simple or simply powerful, however one wants to view this philosophy. I shall continue to trust his judgment.