Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Flying Down to Rio

I have switched into short pants and sandals for 100 degree temps in Rio. Yippee!! We have left the “dreary weather” of Bariloche behind us. (BTW, that’s the hotel’s descriptive phrase not mine. The sheet they distributed every night to guests listed available activities and the weather forecast for the following day. They need to reconsider their marketing.)

In contrast, yesterday I was outfitted in waders and special shoes and a life jacket for an afternoon of fly fishing on the Rio Negro with Bob. This was my first attempt at fly fishing and it is now my favorite sport. Love the gear, love the flies—nymphs, dry flies, streamers--love Mario, our charming and adorable fishing instructor but mostly love drifting along the river with absolutely no one in sight just incredible landscape stretching out on either side and gorgeous blue(!) skies with huge white clouds rushing overhead. Utter tranquility.

And best of all, I caught two fish. Well, almost. I was reeling them in slowly, slowly as Mario advised but just at the crucial moment, they each broke for freedom. But what excitement each time when I felt the fish bite and the rod bend!

Can’t wait to buy all my fishing gear this summer. Orvis here I come.

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