Saturday, December 26, 2009


I am sitting in front of a roaring fire in an adorable wood cabin surrounded by views of snow topped mountains and alpine lakes. This is Bariloche in Argentina. It is also absolutely freezing. The wind is howling, it rains, then the sun comes out, then it rains again. The temperature tonight is supposed to be in the 30's. What happened to summer in Argentina.

It's absolutely charming here though. Sort of like Grossinger's for the goyim. Lots of families celebrating the holidays together. And Bob and Jane and Steve and Ellen comfortably ensconced in our little cabin complete with a deer antler chandeliers and rustic furniture. Only problem is that when we go outside we have to layer on all the clothing we've brought with us in order not to freeze to death.

The good thing is that the wine is cheap and absolutely delicious. And we can have pisco sours whenever we want. Food is suspect especially if you're not an eater of bloody pieces of meat. But at last I got some exercise. (All I did in Buenos Aires was eat, drink and sleep.) Today Jane and I took a about a 2 and a half hour hike up a hill through a beautiful forest. We finished our exercise regime with a yoga class, taught in Spanish, of course, which was an added challenge but lots of fun.

1 comment:

Toni G said...

for the record.........what do Bobby and Stevo do while you two are doing 'healthy' things? are they still drowning in blood & bones at the lodge table?????