Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Next?

Great article in last week's New Yorker by George Packer about Occupy Wall Street. 

"As long as Occupy Wall Street speaks the language of inequality and powerlessness as simply and directly as the the self portraits on Tumblr, it will resonate with millions of Americans.  The most important facts about our society, widely known  but seldom mentioned, are now the first order of conversation. . .the use of the phrase 'income inequality' in the media has now more than quintulpled since the beginning of the occupation.  In this sense, Occupy Wall Street has already done its work.  The point is what was happening on the Broadway sidewalk.  No one should expect this protean flame to transform itself into a formal political organization with a savvy strategy for enacting reforms and winning elections.  That's someone else's job. "  

So who or what is going to do it?  I'm not very optimistic we will ever fill find the right person for that job description.

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