Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Horror

I cannot be more relaxed than I am right now in Jamaica.  I wake up every morning just as the sun is coming up. The air is still cool. The sky is a smear of grey and pink.  I walk for an hour on the road passing goats, chickens and the occasional car.  By the time I come back to the house, it's hot and the sky is golden.  Everyone else is still sleeping as I sit on the veranda to eat my breakfast and read the NYTimes on my computer.  I listen to the sea and stare out at the blue feeling very safe and content. 

Then I read an article such as this and wonder what the hell kind of world I live in where I can sit quietly on a veranda on a beautiful morning and just enjoy the view while women in Somalia daily live in terror in the most horrendous surroundings.

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