Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life Soon Sort Out

I saw this sign on the back of a car while driving through the bush on the way back to Treasure Beach from three days on the north coast of Jamaica with Liz and Giuliano. We saw so many special and secret spaces on the island. First Silver Sands, a delightful old enclave of family villas with access to a beautiful beach. Groups of teenagers walked on the beach making plans for their evening. We could hear parties starting at cocktail hour at neighboring houses. It seemed like everyone must be friends from long ago. One night we walked off property to Leroy's Place, a ramshackle shack at the edge of the sea. A TV blared shoot 'em up movies in the back room where a few customers sat quietly. We sat outside drinking beers and watching the sky deepen from dark blue into black, a steady wind keeping the summer night pleasantly cool.

Next day we drove inland to Itopia, Sally's magical old house in the jungle. Before getting there we turned off the main room and bounced along a dirt lane until we arrived at the sea. The landscape looked Mediterranean--a jumble of rocks, scrubby bushes and a turquoise sea. We scrambled over the rocks to a large tidal pool filled with crystal clear water. We could have been in Greece.

The next day we drove through sun and rain down to Treasure Beach and then at last up to Round Hill and Yellow Plum Farm. I love Jamaica.

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