Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sick In Bed

I'm sick with a classic head cold of major proportions--head weighs about 50 pounds minimum; nose keeps flowing; cough sounds like a barking dog. I hate being sick now when you have to be both nurse and patient. It used to be almost fun when I was a kid and I had my mother to take care of me. Bring me orange juice and buttered toast in bed, let me drink ginger ale in the afternoon, cool me down with a sponge bath. The TV from their bedroom would get rolled into my room and I was free to watch TV all day--Queen for a Day, The Price is Right and other harmless inanities. When I had the measles and my eyes were affected, she read to me every afternoon--Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer, I remember.

I haven't been able to read the last few days which for me is quite unusual. Just can't seem to concentrate. Instead I've been surfing the TV relentlessly, watching terrible movies and even more terrible TV shows. Last night I wound up on The Learning Channel and watched two really nasty people make fun of a really sweet woman all in the name of updating her style. I switched channels when I saw the promos for the next two programs--I Didn't Know I was Pregnant! and, I kid you not, a reality show about dwarfs or little people.

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