Monday, December 8, 2008

Life Update

I have come to the realization that there are certain things I will never get to do. Like, for instance, I will never climb Mount Kilamanjaro in Kenya. Maybe ten years ago but its not happening now. (But, goddammit, I will climb the Inca Trail to Macchu Pichu this spring.) Chances of my going to the North or South Pole are slim to none but, hey, I hate the cold anyway. And, let's face it, I keep saying I want to trek in Mongolia and sleep in a yurt but I wouldn't take bets on my showing up there anytime soon. Besides, there's nothing more disgusting than yak butter tea.

Closer to home, I don't think I will ever be much of a tennis player despite the loads of lessons I've taken with my ever so patient but must be ever so frustrated coach.

And will I ever read Proust or re-read Joyce's Ulysses? Would I understand even if I read them?

However, I feel a real sense of accomplishment at having finished my first novel in Italian, "Io Non Ho Paura." It took me forever because I had to look up so many words but I did it, proving the brain is still working and capable of learning new things. Will I ever be fluent in speaking Italian? Well, that I'm not so sure of but I will keep trying.


sanaya said...

congrats ellen!

i'm impressed with you, as always!

Jeelu said...

Your list of accomplishments...always leave me speechless. Most people would need at least 5 lifetimes to do what you have done. Brava
p.s. I'd skip the proust