Monday, September 29, 2008


I feel like a stay-at-home mom today which is weird because I didn't stay home when my kids were little. In fact, I loved going off to work where problems could be solved and nobody was crying.

Anyway, today I got up early and rushed out to Metropolitan Bakery to buy some challah for Rosh Hashanah dinner tonight. I had to be back early because a TV installer was coming to rig up a TV in the guest bedroom. (Yes, dear Kenny, there is a now a high definition TV on the wall in your room, a concession to which I gladly agreed now that you have decided to come to Philly for Thanksgiving.)

Upon my return, I morphed into a domestic diva whirling through the apartment. Changing the linens in my bedroom, setting the table in the dining room, plumping the pillows in the living room and, of course, cooking the brisket, prepping the veggies, making the broccoli salad and then cleaning up in the kitchen. At 4 pm, I asked myself, "What would a stay-at-home mom do now? Go for a run, read a book or scrub some toilets? Or...turn on Oprah!" Guess what I did...

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