Monday, September 8, 2008

Am I Going Crazy?

I am trying to make sense of this whole Sarah Palin thing. Ok, everyone agrees she's a ruthless, scheming politician, the ticket's designated attack dog, a real "barracuda." Yet because she's a Republican and an evangelical Christian passionately opposed to abortion, nobody's calling her a bitchy feminist, nobody's asking her who wears the pants in her house.

This is really where it gets weird to me. Does this mean, ladies, that we have truly come a long way, baby, now that there is a vice presidential candidate who happens to be a female but is a consummate political hack with no obvious credentials except her fierce ambition and her ability to shamelessly but effectively lie, distort and misrepresent the issues?

Have women made it now that we have our very own Dan Quayle?

I need help!

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