Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Money Ball

I have made a decision. I am no longer making any political contributions. That means no money to Obama, to Elizabeth Warren, to Allyson Schwartz and to any other Democrats running for state or federal office no matter how much I like them personally or support their positions. I’ll vote for them and I’ll urge others to do so but I can no longer participate in a system that allows people like the Koch brothers and other like minded plutocrats to buy elections. I don’t know what put me over the edge. Maybe it was the article I just read in this week’s New Yorker by Jane Mayer. She writes about Art Pope, a conservative multimillionaire in North Carolina, who has used his cash to virtually buy the state and subvert the democratic process. This is nothing new, I know, but suddenly I’ve had it and I don’t want to part of it.

I’m going to give my money to issues I support and organizations I feel strongly about like Women’s Medical Fund.

I keep thinking how we ran out to Broad Street to celebrate the night Obama was elected. We couldn't believe our good fortune. What a difference he was going to make. Oh well.

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