Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tennis, anyone?

I got a solicitation in the mail from a scooter company today. Not a kid’s scooter company but the ones that cater to disabled, home bound senior citizens. Is someone trying to tell me something? Maybe that’s why this afternoon, I threw on my sneakers and went for a run down to Penns Landing. It was the first time I’d hit the pavement since last September when I tripped on a broken paving store and smashed my knee so badly I couldn’t wear my skinny jeans for weeks. That definitely made me feel old. So today, I ran very carefully and very slowly with my eyes focused on the pavement the entire time.

This week, I’m scheduled to get back on the tennis court again. Immediately after Steve died, I felt I didn’t have the strength or concentration or even the desire to play and so I didn’t even step on the court for the rest of the summer. I think I’m ready now.


Hy said...

I am so honored that you chose me to HIT with....Cannot wait to see you too. It has been a long time..

We compare tans....ok?

Paige said...

You go girl!