Friday, October 22, 2010

A Single Woman

I am a single woman now. I haven’t been a single woman since June 26, 1969, when I married Steve barely two months after my 22nd birthday, a child bride with no idea what married life was all about, let alone married life to Steve Solms.

So now I have to figure out what it means to live alone with no one but myself to answer to. It must mean more than getting rid of the TV in the bedroom or canceling the subscription to the Inquirer, both of which I’ve done already. My apartment looks just the same except there aren’t any pretzels on my pantry shelves and the hamper in my bedroom is never full.

When I’m home, I listen to my music at full volume without complaint and I make steamed kale for dinner and consider it a meal. I’ve decided to redo my bedroom and make a new space for this new self to live in. Small steps forward to my new life.

1 comment:

Barry Williams.......Phoenix, Arizona said...

I went all these same things after my wife was killed in 2002 Ellen. I wish I had thought to write a blog like you are doing. Hang in there kid.