Monday, January 4, 2010


My only regret about being in Brazil is that I didn't come here when I was young. Back in the day, I would have done like Nora Ephron said: Put on a bikini (maybe even a Brazilian bikini) and not take it off until I got back on the plane for home.

But, as I say, better late than never. We have been vibing out in Salvador for four days--wandering around the old city, chilling on the beach, listening to fabulous music, eating Bahian food...while wearing middle aged version of a bikini!

I am so relaxed!


Unknown said...

This looks like a ton of fun...can't wait to see you in TB!

joshgoldfein said...

When you were young, dear, there was a military dictatorship there. Wouldn't have been quite as much fun.

Paige said...

Vibing out in Salvador sounds amazing, Ellen!