Sunday, November 15, 2009

The End of An Era

Last week, I was suddenly overtaken by the need to cleanse. No I didn't start a juice diet or scrub my face with some sweet smelling unguent.

Instead I opened all of my closets and ruthlessly purged them of the clothes I never wear any more. I made an attempt to do this a few months ago but couldn't help but held on to a number of thing I just wasn't ready to part with despite the fact that chances of their ever be worn again were slim to none. (These days all I wear, it seems, are jeans or leggings or clothes to sweat in. ) But this time I grit my teeth and valiantly banished any sentimental feelings. Into the box slated for Linda's Stuff went a half a dozen very 80's pantsuits, the remnants of my working woman's wardrobe. I said a fond goodbye to the black silk Lagerfeld strapless number I wore to my 40th birthday party. (Hey, it still fits but strapless and me are not happening in this lifetime.) I packed away two vintage Ozbek silk jackets complete with power shoulders that I bought when Nan Duskin's left Walnut Street. (I think I wore each of them once.) Okay, there are probably a few items left in my closet that will never again see the light of day but. . .maybe next time.


Unknown said...

Let me know when you are purging your jewelry!!! xxxx Deb


there is a place on girard ave that takes work wear for women and donates it to women in need who are job hunting or transitioning into the work force and can't afford apparel. good call! i love purging!