Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Current Events

Via Kevin Drum:

So why is Sarah Palin so endlessly fascinating? The sex appeal that practically oozes out of every pore? Her perpetual family soap opera? A sense of besiegement and resentment so powerful it practically knocks you over every time she speaks? The fact that she actually seems to take pride in her complete lack of policy expertise? Her seemingly total lack of real self-awareness? The fact that she lies so casually it seems like she actually believes everything she makes up?

As a woman and a feminist, how am I supposed to feel about Sarah Palin--embarrassed, ashamed, outraged, confused. Is this what we worked and marched for--the spectacle of a woman politician being as equally ridiculous, as blithefully stupid, as blatantly mendacious and as stunningly mediocre as so many of her male counterparts and being celebrated and rewarded for just those qualities?

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