Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving is Coming, Part II

High heat, low heat, to stuff or not to stuff, I am in a frenzy about how to cook my turkey. This year I decided to buy a heritage turkey. What this actually means I am not really sure except that it cost a lot and a turkey still had to die to feed my family. Now, after seemingly hours on the web it appears that I cannot cook this bird in the way my mother ordained so many years ago. (See previous post for details.) Ohmigod. My worse nightmare--an overdone, hockey puck turkey reminiscent of dried moccasin instead of the moist and succulent bird traditional on our table. And, may I add, all this agony over a part of the meal that I, a pesco/lacto/ovo vegetarian DO NOT EAT!! Oy vey to say the least.

Well, one thing my research has shown me--I do not have to brine this baby. Thank god. The last two years, I must have gone through a forest full of paper towels sopping up leaking turkey water in my refrigerator from brining bags that NEVER worked. Yuck!

So here's my battle plan: After much soul searching, I have made a decision to NOT stuff the bird. (My heart is beating as I write this.) I will roast it at 350 after massaging disgusting amounts of butter into and under the skin. I will take it out of the oven for the proverbial rest after it reaches an internal temp of 150. I will pray that I have not overcooked it but. . . che sera, sera.

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