Saturday, August 25, 2012

Night Time

 They say that August is the month of shooting stars but I haven't seen one yet this year.  (Time is running out.  I leave Maine on Sunday.) But instead I've witnessed a succession of incredible, technicolor sunsets no one alike, each one setting the sky ablaze with different colors and patterns. 

The last few nights I've walked down to the dock by myself before going to bed to watch the moon set over the lake.   For some reason I don't know and wouldn't understand anyway, the moon--first a sliver, then a crescent and tonight a half moon--is orange. The lake is dark and deep except for the faint orange glow cast by the setting moon.  When I look up I can see the Milky Way stretching overhead. I like to sit on the bench and breath in the quiet for a little bit.   And then I walk back to the house and go to sleep.

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