Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Climate Change

I'd like to think that some things will never change--my life in Maine being one of those things. But the reality is that is has changed.  Maybe not forever but right now even the good times are tinged with a sense of loss. That is not to say that I didn't have a wonderful time this past Memorial Day weekend but that was largely because of all the young people--my nephews and their friends, my "niece" and her boyfriend--who filled the house with laughter and love.  My pleasure is watching them make the house their own, filling it with good memories.

And, of course, the weather didn't hurt.  It was warm and sunny, perfect for running on the road, playing tennis and bocce and toasting the sunset on the dock.  Climate change has definitely come to Maine.  We used to see forsythia and lilacs this time of year but not any more.  They had come and gone by the time we arrived.  And the water was warm enough to swim in or so everyone told me.  I, of course, didn't even bring a bathing suit.  The kids even water skied, definitely a first for Memorial Day.

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