Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Biddies do Utah

I am a little more than halfway through my road trip through southern Utah with my BFF and long time hiking partner Jane. I haven't been on a road trip like this since I was 16 when my parents and brother and I drove out west for a month hitting all the national parks. It was our one and only family vacation and we all treasured it and talked about it over and over again. When I think about that month in a car together it makes me miss my brother so much. Without him, there's no one with which to share those legendary family experiences, to laugh at those stories or fill in the parts that I've forgotten.

Well Jane and I have certainly had a lot of laughs and the experience has definitely been memorable--the perfect coda to my birthday celebration. I think it will take me a while to completely process this experience. The natural beauty is truly awesome in the most original sense of that word. I've been snapping pictures like crazy but nothing, I think, can capture the sense of being out here surrounded by such massive, majestic and ageless expanses. What really impresses me is the silence and the emptiness. Looking out over the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon or up at the towering sandstone cliffs in Zion, I can't help but think I am in a sacred space.

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