Monday, July 19, 2010

Marital Mythmaking

Every religion has its creation story. So does every marriage. Here's mine...

The first time I saw my husband he was climbing out of the lake onto the dock. He looked like a giant bear, water streaming off his body, the sunlight giving him a reddish glow. He had a full beard and thick curly hair, both absurdly blonde, almost white. From where I was sitting up on the deck, he looked happy and powerful as he toweled himself off. Of course, I hadn’t seen him swim—a childlike doggy paddle prefaced by an awkward jump into the water while holding his nose. As I later learned, he was afraid of the water, never went in above his head and then only a few yards away from the dock. Somehow, despite the later knowledge, it is that first image of him which has always stayed in my mind. He stands tall and confident like a champion swimmer ready to receive the gold medal.

What's yours?

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