Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Evolution of Hair

I really have long hair now. I can even put it up in a pony tail! I still don't quite believe it. I wake up every morning convinced that when I look in the mirror, my long hair will be gone and I'll be staring at my former, familiar self with short, short hair.

Like most women, I imagine, I can remember quite distinctly everyone of my former hair styles. First there was the pixie hair cut of my elementary school and early junior high school years--hideous in retrospect. By high school, I was seriously into rollers--even slept with them!--but, hey, they were essential to create the page boy fluff or the flip, two quintessential styles of that era. Finally in college I got rid of the rollers and there was just hair and lots of it, parted in the middle and hanging down my back almost to my waist.

For some unknown but probably psychologically profound reason which I have not yet explored, I assumed that when I got married my days of long hair were at an end. So began the slow, steady and inexorable process of cutting my hair until, in recent years, there wasn't much left at all. I tried to go back and let it grow a couple times but, ugh, it was too painful and ugly a process.

What made the difference this time? Maybe turning 60 and wanting one last chance to wear a pony tail.