Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back on Spruce

What did I miss here while living in Rome? Not much, really. But I do like coming back to Philadelphia in the spring. The city seems so green to me now especially when compared to the relative barrenness of Rome's city streets. Of course, Rome more than compensates for the lack of foliage with the sunny Mediterranean hues of so many of the buildings.

I do love being in my apartment especially sitting in my favorite window seat looking at the sunset. And I truly treasure being back in my study where I can curl up with a good book on the futon or work at my desk or listen to music and nobody bothers me--the ultimate luxury.

What do I miss about living in Rome. Well, I haven't had pasta since I've been back.

1 comment:

jayteeee said...

duh garden jane's garden, that's how I know that compost is good and so are her cherry tomatoes, natural mon.