Friday, June 22, 2012

Dateline: Heaven

I'm in Maine, a refugee from the heat in the city.  It's hot here, too, but there's a lake to cool off in and a breeze coming off the lake that makes the deck the perfect place to sit and read. . .or watch the dogs.  Because, dear reader,  I live in dog world now with Wilbur, the wonder dog, and his brother Ackee who do nothing but run around and play all day inside and out.  Wilbur sleeps like a prince in a huge crate in the living room, his toys litter the floor.  He even lounges on the sofa like it a king on his throne.  How things have changed in Heaven.

Some things never change like the consistent variability of Maine weather.  We've had the full repetoire of weather today--blazing sun and clear blue skies in the morning and early afternoon followed by an epic thunderstorm with roaring winds and lots of lightning after lunch.  Now it's sunny again, the lake is flat and the light is glistening gold and green in the trees.  I can't see a rainbow but I can hear the very distant rumble of thunder as the storm rolls away. 

1 comment:

sanaya said...

Wilbur is on the couch!!!!
Can't. Believe. It.