Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Reading LIst

This article is titled "A Slow Books Manifesto."  But it really could be my personal manifesto.  Here's an excerpt.

"In our leisure moments, whenever we have down time, we should turn to literature—to works that took some time to write and will take some time to read, but will also stay with us longer than anything else. They'll help us unwind better than any electronic device—and they'll pleasurably sharpen our minds and identities, too. 

To borrow a cadence from Michael Pollan: Read books. As often as you can. Mostly classics."

Of course, where did I read this article but on Zite, an app on my IPad,  when I should have been ensconced on a sofa rereading Dickens or George Eliot or Jane Austen or maybe reading Proust for the first time and feeling slightly ashamed that I've never made a serious effort to tackle it before.

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