Monday, September 17, 2012

There Will Be Brisket

Fresh from a glorious weekend in Hudson, New York for Sanaya and Chris' splendid wedding, I am ensconced in the kitchen making Rosh Hashanah dinner for a large crowd of family and friends.  Like a true Jewish mother and cook, I panicked this morning and worried that I hadn't prepared enough brisket for everybody.   (Being a vegetarian, I toyed with the notion of not making brisket at all and serving fish in its place.  But tradition won out and I didn't want to disappoint those who are incapable of imagining a New Year's dinner without brisket.) So I rushed out to the store bright and early and bought another piece of meat to cook.   

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yesterday I went for a long hike along the Wissahickon.  It felt like being somewhere far away but I was just a short drive from the city.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky when we started out.  The air was so clear it felt like it would shatter to the touch.  When I went to bed last night I turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows wide to the night.  It was delightfully cool and I snuggled under my comforter as if I was in Maine.  Is this the beginning of fall for real or just a tease? 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Those Were the Days

Having seen Stevie Nicks in AC this summer, this video seems particularly poignant to me.