Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Positive Transformation

My horoscope today:

You may be feeling a strong urge to express something that you have known for a while but were too scared to share. Now, however, your emotions are being pulled into the open by circumstances beyond your control, encouraging you to reveal previously hidden elements of your life. You are on the edge of making a major breakthrough, even if your current direction is unclear. Don't resist; today's struggles are a part of your positive transformation.
 I especially like the part about positive transformation.  That's a process I am very consciously embarked on--how to reconcile all the little bits and pieces of my past and present and hopefully future lives into one cohesive whole.  Yesterday I spent an hour on the phone talking to the woman who was my very best friend in college.  Thanks to the internet, we found each other again after 40 years of no communication at all.  After college, she moved into a different life.  And it didn't help that she didn't like Steve at all when they met.  Yesterday, she confessed that she was sure I would be divorced in two years! 

Her life has been completely transformed from when we were together as college students at Brandeis, class of 1968 I tried to match my image of her with how she described her life since we parted--living somewhere in northern California in a house with no electricity, no phone, days spent home schooling four children, doing lots of physical labor.  A very dramatic transformation.

It's hard to give a sense of all we've been through and who we have become in just an hour's phone conversation.  Mostly we traded memories, told stories about our four years together at school.  She said she always remembered me sitting in bed with a book in my lap.  Some things never change.

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