Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am a Slut and Now I'm Angry Too.

I just got back from hearing journalist Irin Carmon speak at a Women's Medical Fund event.  Her talk was enraging and inspirational at the same time.  This article in Salon pretty much recaps her presentation.  It's amazing that she can still be upbeat in the face of the blatant and widespread misogyny she reports on daily.

"The Rush Limbaughs of the world don’t get to define the boundaries of appropriate sexual or moral behavior. But something is happening: Women are defining those boundaries for themselves, with many men alongside them, and they’re being reminded that there’s a concerted movement to take that right of self-definition away. And we’re mad."

 Anger is good but action is better. 

1 comment:

sanaya said...

best title ever. and irin is bad-ass!